Personal Selling and Salesmanship PYQ 2021

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Q.1 ‘A Good salesperson can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo.’ Is the above statement true in the present context? Give reasons to support your answer.

Ans1 The statement “a good salesperson can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo” is an old adage that implies that a skilled salesperson can sell anything to anyone, even if they don’t need it. However, in the present context, this statement is not entirely accurate.


Firstly, the Inuit people, who are indigenous to the Arctic regions, including parts of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, have adapted to their environment over thousands of years. They have developed unique ways of preserving and storing food, such as burying it in the snow or keeping it in ice cellars. Therefore, they may not have a need for a refrigerator in the traditional sense.


Secondly, it is important to note that the Inuit people have their own distinct culture and way of life. It would be inappropriate and disrespectful to try to sell them a product that does not align with their values and traditions. A good salesperson would take the time to understand the needs and values of their customers and tailor their approach accordingly.


In conclusion, while the statement may have been true in the past, it is not entirely accurate in the present context. A good salesperson would understand the unique needs and values of their customers and would not try to sell them a product that is not appropriate for their lifestyle and culture.



Q.2Why is it important for the salesperson to understand buying motives behind each purchase?

Ans2  Understanding the buying motives behind each purchase is crucial for a salesperson for several reasons:

1. Helps identify customer needs: By understanding the buying motives behind a purchase, a salesperson can identify the specific needs that the customer is trying to address with their purchase. This knowledge helps the salesperson to customize their sales pitch and offer tailored solutions that meet the customer’s specific needs.

2. Builds trust: When a salesperson shows that they understand a customer’s buying motives, it builds trust between the two parties. The customer feels that the salesperson is genuinely interested in their needs, rather than just trying to make a sale. This trust is essential in building long-term customer relationships.

3. Allows for effective communication: By understanding a customer’s buying motives, a salesperson can communicate more effectively with them. They can use language and terminology that resonates with the customer, and provide information that is relevant to the customer’s needs. This approach is more likely to result in a successful sale.

The statement “it cost five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a current customer satisfied” highlights the importance of retaining existing customers for the long-term success of a business. Salespersons play a critical role in retaining current customers, and some of the ways they can achieve this include:

1. Building relationships: Salespersons can build strong relationships with customers by communicating regularly and understanding their needs. By doing so, customers feel valued, which increases their loyalty and encourages repeat business.

2. Providing excellent customer service: Salespersons should always strive to provide the best possible customer service. They can ensure customers are satisfied with their purchases, answer any questions or concerns, and provide after-sales support.

3. Offering personalized solutions: Salespersons can offer personalized solutions to their customers. By understanding the specific needs of each customer, they can offer tailored products or services that best meet their requirements.

4. Maintaining regular contact: Salespersons can maintain regular contact with their customers through phone calls, emails, or face-to-face meetings. By keeping in touch, salespersons can keep customers informed about new products or promotions and show that they are committed to their ongoing business.

5. Handling complaints effectively: Salespersons should handle complaints or issues promptly and professionally. By addressing concerns in a timely and respectful manner, customers feel heard and valued, which increases their loyalty.

In conclusion, salespersons play a crucial role in retaining current customers by building strong relationships, providing excellent customer service, offering personalized solutions, maintaining regular contact, and handling complaints effectively. By doing so, businesses can reduce their customer acquisition costs and increase long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.

4. Enables better product recommendations: Knowing a customer’s buying motives can also help a salesperson make better product recommendations. They can suggest products that are a better fit for the customer’s needs, rather than just pushing products that may not be suitable.

5. Helps with follow-up: After a sale is made, understanding the buying motives behind the purchase can help a salesperson follow up with the customer more effectively. They can check in with the customer to see if the product is meeting their needs, and offer additional support or resources if needed.

In conclusion, understanding the buying motives behind each purchase is essential for a salesperson to provide tailored solutions, build trust, communicate effectively, make better product recommendations, and provide effective follow-up support.



Q. 3 ‘It cost five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a current customer satisfied’. What role can salesperson perform in retaining the current customer?

Ans. The statement “it cost five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a current customer satisfied” highlights the importance of retaining existing customers for the long-term success of a business. Salespersons play a critical role in retaining current customers, and some of the ways they can achieve this include:

1. Building relationships: Salespersons can build strong relationships with customers by communicating regularly and understanding their needs. By doing so, customers feel valued, which increases their loyalty and encourages repeat business.

2. Providing excellent customer service: Salespersons should always strive to provide the best possible customer service. They can ensure customers are satisfied with their purchases, answer any questions or concerns, and provide after-sales support.

3. Offering personalized solutions: Salespersons can offer personalized solutions to their customers. By understanding the specific needs of each customer, they can offer tailored products or services that best meet their requirements.

4. Maintaining regular contact: Salespersons can maintain regular contact with their customers through phone calls, emails, or face-to-face meetings. By keeping in touch, salespersons can keep customers informed about new products or promotions and show that they are committed to their ongoing business.

5. Handling complaints effectively: Salespersons should handle complaints or issues promptly and professionally. By addressing concerns in a timely and respectful manner, customers feel heard and valued, which increases their loyalty.

In conclusion, salespersons play a crucial role in retaining current customers by building strong relationships, providing excellent customer service, offering personalized solutions, maintaining regular contact, and handling complaints effectively. By doing so, businesses can reduce their customer acquisition costs and increase long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.



Q.4 Explain how AIDAS model can be used by the salesperson to guide a prospect through the process of selling.

Ans4 The AIDAS model is a widely used framework in sales that outlines the stages a potential customer goes through when making a purchase. AIDAS stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Satisfaction. A salesperson can use this model to guide a prospect through the process of selling as follows:

1. Attention: The first stage is to capture the prospect’s attention. The salesperson can do this by introducing themselves and their product or service in a way that grabs the prospect’s attention. This could involve using a striking opening statement, an attention-grabbing visual, or a provocative question.

2. Interest: Once the salesperson has the prospect’s attention, they need to build interest in their product or service. This stage involves explaining the features and benefits of the product or service, and how it can solve the prospect’s problem or meet their needs. The salesperson should focus on how the product or service can provide value to the prospect.

3. Desire: At this stage, the salesperson needs to create desire for the product or service. This can involve demonstrating how the product or service can address the prospect’s specific pain points or needs, and how it can improve their situation. The salesperson can also use social proof or testimonials to increase the prospect’s desire.

4. Action: The next stage is to prompt the prospect to take action. The salesperson should provide a clear call-to-action, such as encouraging the prospect to make a purchase, sign up for a free trial, or schedule a meeting. It is essential to make the call-to-action clear, concise, and easy to follow.

5. Satisfaction: Finally, the salesperson needs to ensure that the customer is satisfied with their purchase. This involves following up with the customer, addressing any concerns or issues, and ensuring that the product or service meets their expectations. A satisfied customer is more likely to become a repeat customer and recommend the product or service to others.

In conclusion, the AIDAS model is a useful framework for guiding a prospect through the process of selling. The salesperson can use this model to capture the prospect’s attention, build interest and desire, prompt them to take action, and ensure that they are satisfied with their purchase. By using this model effectively, the salesperson can increase the likelihood of a successful sale and build long-term customer relationships.



Q.5 What are the skills required by the salesperson at ‘Presentation and Demonstration’ stage, to gain customer’s confidence?

Ans. The Presentation and Demonstration stage is a critical phase in the sales process, where a salesperson presents the product or service to the customer and demonstrates how it can meet their needs. To gain the customer’s confidence at this stage, a salesperson must possess the following skills:

1. Product knowledge: A salesperson must have in-depth knowledge of the product or service they are selling. This includes knowing its features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Having a thorough understanding of the product inspires confidence in the customer that the salesperson knows what they are talking about.

2. Communication skills: A salesperson must be an excellent communicator to be effective at this stage. They should be able to explain the product’s features and benefits in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner. They should also listen actively to the customer’s questions and concerns and respond appropriately.

3. Presentation skills: A salesperson should have strong presentation skills to deliver a compelling and engaging presentation. This includes using appropriate visual aids, such as images or videos, and maintaining eye contact with the customer.

4. Problem-solving skills: A salesperson must have the ability to identify and address the customer’s pain points and needs. They should be able to offer customized solutions that meet the customer’s specific requirements.

5. Technical skills: In some cases, a salesperson may need to possess technical skills to demonstrate the product effectively. For example, if the product is software, the salesperson should have a good understanding of the technical specifications and be able to demonstrate its functionality.

6. Confidence: A salesperson should be confident in their abilities and the product they are selling. Confidence inspires trust and instills confidence in the customer that they are making the right decision.

In conclusion, to gain a customer’s confidence at the Presentation and Demonstration stage, a salesperson should possess product knowledge, communication skills, presentation skills, problem-solving skills, technical skills, and confidence. By demonstrating these skills, a salesperson can build trust with the customer and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.



Q.6 What steps sales manager can take to avoid puffery and misrepresentation in selling?

Ans6 Puffery and misrepresentation are common ethical issues that sales managers must address to maintain their credibility and reputation in the market. To avoid puffery and misrepresentation in selling, sales managers can take the following steps:

1. Provide sales training: One of the most effective ways to avoid puffery and misrepresentation is to provide comprehensive sales training to the sales team. The training should focus on ethical selling practices, and the team should be made aware of the legal and ethical implications of misrepresentation.

2. Develop clear guidelines: Sales managers should develop clear guidelines and policies regarding what is considered acceptable and unacceptable sales practices. These guidelines should be communicated to the sales team and enforced strictly.

3. Monitor sales activities: Sales managers should monitor sales activities regularly to ensure that the sales team is adhering to the guidelines and policies. This can be done through regular audits and feedback sessions.

4. Encourage transparency: Sales managers should encourage transparency in sales practices. The sales team should be encouraged to disclose all information about the product or service, including any limitations or potential drawbacks.

5. Use customer feedback: Customer feedback can be a valuable source of information for sales managers. They should encourage customers to provide feedback on the sales process and use this feedback to improve sales practices.

6. Establish consequences for violations: Sales managers should establish consequences for violations of ethical selling practices. This can include disciplinary action, retraining, or termination of employment, depending on the severity of the violation.

In conclusion, to avoid puffery and misrepresentation in selling, sales managers should provide sales training, develop clear guidelines, monitor sales activities, encourage transparency, use customer feedback, and establish consequences for violations. By following these steps, sales managers can promote ethical selling practices and maintain their credibility and reputation in the market.


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