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B.A. English Honours


B.A. English Honours Sem-1 Syllabus

B.A. English Honours Sem 2-6 Syllabus

Core Subjects:

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Semester 5

Semester 6

Discipline Specific Elective(DSE)

(Any Four(2+2) to be chosen in Sem V and Sem VI)

Semester 5

Literature and Mediality

Pre-Colonial Indian Literatures

Semester 6

African Literature

Latin American Literature

Literary Criticism and Theory-2

Literature and Disability

Speculative Fiction and Detective Literature

Studies in Modern Indian Performance Traditions

Twentieth Century European Fiction

Skill Enhancement Course(SEC)

Analytical Reading and Writing

Literature in Cross-Cultural Encounters

Oral, Aural and Visual Rhetoric 

Introduction to Creative Writing for Media

Translation Studies

Introduction to Theatre and Performance

English Language Teaching

Film Studies

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