Media and Communication Skills PYQ 2020

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Q1. How has globalisation impacted the news industry in India? Explain with examples.

Ans. Globalization has had a profound impact on the news industry in India, transforming the way news is produced, disseminated, and consumed. Here are some key ways in which globalization has influenced the Indian news industry:

1.       Access to Global News Sources: Globalization has expanded access to international news sources. Indian news organizations now have partnerships with international news agencies such as Reuters, Associated Press, and BBC, allowing them to provide timely global news coverage. This has enriched the content available to Indian audiences.

2.       Diversification of Content: Globalization has led to the diversification of news content. Indian news outlets cover a broader range of international topics, including politics, economics, culture, and entertainment from around the world. This diversification caters to the interests of a more globally aware audience.

3.       Digital Transformation: The digital revolution and globalization go hand in hand. The rise of the internet and digital technologies has transformed the way news is produced and consumed. Many Indian news organizations have established a strong online presence, enabling them to reach a global audience. Additionally, social media platforms have become crucial for news dissemination.

4.       Global News Events: Globalization has made India more interconnected with the world. Major global events, such as elections in other countries, natural disasters, and geopolitical developments, are now covered extensively in the Indian media. This reflects the interconnectedness of today’s world.

5.       Competition and Commercialization: Globalization has increased competition among news outlets. International media conglomerates have entered the Indian market, competing with local news organizations. This competition has led to an emphasis on sensationalism and commercialization to capture viewership and advertising revenue.

6.       Foreign Correspondents: Indian news organizations have expanded their international coverage by stationing correspondents in major global cities. These foreign correspondents provide firsthand reporting on global events, enhancing the quality and depth of international news reporting.

7.       Cultural Exchange: Globalization has facilitated cultural exchange through the news. Indian media covers global cultural trends, entertainment, and lifestyle, exposing Indian audiences to diverse cultural influences from around the world.

Examples of Globalization’s Impact on the Indian News Industry:

1.       CNN-IBN and BBC Collaboration: CNN-IBN, an Indian news channel, collaborated with the BBC to bring international news content to Indian audiences. This partnership allowed Indian viewers to access high-quality global news coverage.

2.       Digital News Platforms: Digital news platforms such as, The Times of India’s website, and The Indian Express online edition have expanded their global reach. They provide international news updates and analysis to a worldwide audience.

3.       International Reporting: Indian journalists now report on international events such as the U.S. presidential elections, Brexit, and climate change conferences. These reports provide a global perspective to Indian audiences.

However, globalization has also raised concerns, including the potential for sensationalism, loss of cultural authenticity, and challenges to editorial independence. Balancing the need for global news coverage with responsible journalism remains a challenge for the Indian news industry in the era of globalization.



Q2. Write a note on the strengths and weaknesses of radio as a mode of Mass Communication.

Ans. Radio, as a mode of mass communication, has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, which make it a unique and valuable medium. Here are some of its key strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths of Radio:

1.       Widespread Accessibility: Radio is one of the most accessible mass communication mediums, reaching even remote areas where other forms of media may not be available. It requires minimal infrastructure and is cost-effective, making it accessible to a wide audience.

2.       Real-Time Communication: Radio provides real-time information and updates. It can broadcast live events, breaking news, and emergency alerts instantly, making it a vital source of information during crises.

3.       Audio-Only Format: Radio relies solely on audio content, which can engage listeners’ imaginations. It allows people to consume information while multitasking, such as driving, working, or doing household chores.

4.       Local Relevance: Radio stations often cater to local communities and their specific interests. This local relevance fosters a sense of community and provides a platform for local news, culture, and entertainment.

5.       Cost-Effective: Compared to television and print media, radio production and broadcasting are relatively cost-effective. This makes it accessible for small-scale broadcasters and community radio stations.

6.       Anonymity: Radio offers listeners anonymity. People can tune in and consume content privately, which can be especially important when dealing with sensitive or taboo subjects.

Weaknesses of Radio:

1.       Lack of Visual Element: Radio lacks a visual component, which can limit its ability to convey complex information, visuals, or non-verbal cues. It may not be the ideal medium for topics that require visual illustrations.

2.       Limited Audience Engagement: Unlike interactive mediums like social media, radio primarily offers one-way communication. It doesn’t allow for immediate feedback or audience participation, limiting engagement.

3.       Competition from New Media: With the rise of the internet and digital media, radio faces competition from podcasts, streaming services, and online radio. These platforms offer more control over content and scheduling.

4.       Audio Quality: Poor audio quality can hinder the listening experience. Factors like signal strength, interference, or low-quality equipment can affect the clarity of broadcasts.

5.       Limited Storage: Radio content is ephemeral. Once a broadcast is over, it cannot be easily retrieved unless recorded. This limitation contrasts with print or digital media, where information is readily archived.

6.       Dependency on Infrastructure: Radio broadcasting relies on infrastructure such as towers and transmitters. Natural disasters or technical issues can disrupt broadcasts, affecting its reliability.

7.       Advertising Dependency: Many radio stations rely heavily on advertising revenue, which can sometimes influence content and programming decisions. This may lead to a commercialized approach that prioritizes advertising interests over quality journalism.

In summary, radio remains a valuable and accessible medium for mass communication, particularly for disseminating real-time information and connecting with local communities. However, it faces challenges in terms of competition from new media and limitations related to its audio-only format and lack of interactivity. To remain relevant, radio broadcasters often adapt by incorporating digital platforms and interactive elements into their programming.



Q3. Elaborate on the origin and nature of Mass Communication.

Ans. Origin of Mass Communication:

Mass communication, as a concept, has evolved over centuries alongside technological advancements and changes in human society. Its roots can be traced to various historical developments:

1.       Oral Tradition: Before the invention of writing, oral communication was the primary means of sharing information and stories within communities. Oral traditions, including storytelling and folklore, served as early forms of mass communication.

2.       Print Revolution: The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century revolutionized mass communication. It made it possible to reproduce written texts rapidly and distribute them to a larger audience, giving rise to newspapers, pamphlets, and books.

3.       Industrialization: The 19th century, marked by industrialization, witnessed significant growth in mass communication. Steam-powered printing presses, telegraph systems, and the expansion of railroads facilitated the distribution of newspapers and magazines over wider geographical areas.

4.       Radio and Television: The 20th century saw the emergence of electronic mass media with the invention of radio and later television. These mediums enabled the broadcast of audio and visual content to large audiences, leading to the rise of broadcast journalism and entertainment.

5.       Digital Age: The late 20th century brought the digital age, characterized by the widespread use of computers and the internet. Digital technology transformed mass communication, allowing for the rapid dissemination of information through websites, social media, email, and multimedia platforms.

Nature of Mass Communication:

Mass communication is a complex and multifaceted field with several defining characteristics:

1.       One-to-Many Communication: Mass communication involves the dissemination of information, messages, or content from a single source to a large and diverse audience. This one-to-many model distinguishes it from interpersonal communication, which occurs between individuals or small groups.

2.       Mediated Communication: Mass communication relies on various media or channels to convey messages. These media can be print (newspapers, magazines), electronic (television, radio), digital (websites, social media), or a combination of these. The choice of medium affects the nature and impact of communication.

3.       Intentional and Purposeful: Mass communication is often purposeful and planned. Organizations, institutions, or individuals engage in mass communication with specific objectives, such as informing, persuading, entertaining, or mobilizing audiences.

4.       Feedback and Interactivity: While traditional mass media were primarily one-way channels, the digital age has introduced greater interactivity and the potential for audience feedback. Audiences can now engage with content through comments, likes, shares, and direct communication with content creators.

5.       Selective Exposure: Individuals have the autonomy to choose the media and content they consume. This selective exposure means that mass communication messages may not reach all members of the intended audience equally.

6.       Influence and Social Impact: Mass communication has the power to shape public opinion, influence behavior, and impact society. It can bring about social change, raise awareness of issues, and hold institutions accountable.

7.       Professionalism: Mass communication often involves professionals such as journalists, broadcasters, advertisers, and public relations practitioners who adhere to ethical and industry-specific standards.

8.       Global Reach: With the advent of digital technology and the internet, mass communication can reach a global audience in real-time, transcending geographical boundaries.

In summary, mass communication has evolved from ancient oral traditions to encompass a wide range of media and technologies. It plays a crucial role in informing, entertaining, and influencing contemporary societies, making it a dynamic and influential field of study and practice.



Q4. Create a commercial advertisement for a mobile app that helps its users in online shopping of medicines and cosmetics.

Ans. [Scene 1: A cozy living room with a family sitting together]

Narrator (V.O.): “Introducing MedShop – Your One-Stop Health and Beauty Store!”


[Scene 2: Close-up of a smartphone with the MedShop app icon]

Narrator (V.O.): “Shopping for medicines and cosmetics has never been this easy.”


[Scene 3: A busy professional at work]

Narrator (V.O.): “Are you a busy professional, always on the go?”


[Scene 4: The professional opens the MedShop app on their smartphone]

Narrator (V.O.): “With MedShop, you can order your medicines and cosmetics anytime, anywhere.”


[Scene 5: The app interface displays a wide range of products]

Narrator (V.O.): “Choose from a vast selection of trusted brands.”


[Scene 6: A family member receives a medicine delivery at their doorstep]

Narrator (V.O.): “No more rushing to the pharmacy or waiting in long queues.”


[Scene 7: A woman receives a cosmetics package with a smile]

Narrator (V.O.): “And for your beauty needs, we’ve got you covered.”


[Scene 8: A satisfied customer gives a thumbs-up]

Narrator (V.O.): “MedShop – Delivering health and beauty to your doorstep.”


[Scene 9: The MedShop logo and download links appear on the screen]

Narrator (V.O.): “Download the MedShop app today and experience the future of shopping.”


[Scene 10: Text on screen]

Narrator (V.O.): “Convenience, Quality, and Care – MedShop.”


[Scene 11: Fade out]

Narrator (V.O.): “MedShop. Your Health, Your Beauty, Your Way!”


[End of Commercial]



Q5. Write an editorial on the impact of online modes of teaching-learning in a socially diverse country like India.

Ans. Title: Bridging the Divide: Online Learning in India

In the wake of the ongoing pandemic, the landscape of education in India has undergone a profound transformation. With the closure of schools and colleges to curb the spread of the virus, educational institutions have shifted towards online teaching and learning. This transition has not only raised questions about the effectiveness of this mode but has also highlighted the stark socio-economic disparities that persist in our country.

India, known for its diversity in culture, languages, and socio-economic status, faces unique challenges in adopting online learning as the primary mode of education. While online education offers several advantages, such as flexibility and access to a vast array of resources, it also brings to the forefront the digital divide that exists among students.

One of the most glaring issues is access to technology. A significant portion of students, particularly those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, lacks access to smartphones, tablets, or computers and a reliable internet connection. This creates a learning chasm, where some students can continue their studies seamlessly, while others are left behind.

Furthermore, the language barrier is another challenge. India is a multilingual nation, and many students are more comfortable with regional languages than English. Online content primarily available in English puts non-English speakers at a disadvantage. The quality of content available in regional languages often lags behind, limiting the learning experience for many.

The social aspect of education is equally vital. Physical classrooms foster interaction, collaboration, and the holistic development of a student. Online classes, though a necessity in these times, lack the same level of engagement. This can lead to feelings of isolation and a decline in the overall learning experience.

It is crucial for policymakers and educators to address these issues urgently. Bridging the digital divide by providing affordable devices and internet access to all students, regardless of their socio-economic background, is imperative. Additionally, creating and promoting high-quality educational content in regional languages can ensure that language doesn’t become a barrier to learning.

Furthermore, a blended learning approach that combines online and offline methods can help strike a balance between the advantages of technology and the need for physical interaction. It is also crucial for educators to receive adequate training in online teaching methods to make the learning experience more engaging and effective.

While online learning has the potential to democratize education, it must be inclusive and accessible to all. India’s diverse and dynamic education landscape demands innovative solutions that ensure that no student is left behind. The road ahead may be challenging, but with concerted efforts, we can harness the power of online education to create a brighter and more equitable future for all our students.



Q6. Write a review of a web-series or film that you have recently watched.

Ans. Title: “The Unseen Odyssey” – A Sci-Fi Thriller That Pushes Boundaries

I recently had the pleasure of watching the new web-series “The Unseen Odyssey,” and I must say, it was an exhilarating experience that left me eagerly awaiting the next season.

“The Unseen Odyssey” is a sci-fi thriller that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and visual effects. Created by visionary director Sarah Hughes, this series takes viewers on a mind-bending journey through space and time, offering a fresh take on the genre.

The series follows the enigmatic Dr. Amelia Turner, played brilliantly by Zoe Johnson, a brilliant astrophysicist who stumbles upon an ancient artifact that holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. The plot weaves seamlessly between the present and different points in history, creating a complex narrative that keeps you hooked from the first episode.

One of the standout aspects of “The Unseen Odyssey” is its stunning visuals. The CGI effects are nothing short of spectacular, seamlessly blending the futuristic with the historical. The attention to detail in recreating historical settings, from ancient Egypt to the Renaissance, is commendable.

The ensemble cast, including seasoned actors like Michael O’Connell and newcomers like Sarah Clarke, deliver top-notch performances. The chemistry between the characters adds depth to the storyline, and each episode leaves you with more questions than answers, a testament to the series’ ability to keep you engaged.

The writing is sharp and intelligent, delving into complex scientific concepts without overwhelming the audience. It strikes a balance between suspense, drama, and scientific intrigue. The dialogues are thought-provoking and often deliver profound insights about the human condition and the mysteries of the cosmos.

However, “The Unseen Odyssey” is not without its flaws. The pacing can be a bit uneven at times, with certain episodes feeling slower than others. Additionally, some viewers might find the non-linear narrative confusing, but I found it to be an essential element of the series’ appeal.


In conclusion, “The Unseen Odyssey” is a remarkable addition to the sci-fi genre. It challenges the viewer’s intellect while delivering breathtaking visuals and a gripping storyline. With its talented cast and visionary creator, this series is a must-watch for anyone looking to embark on an unforgettable journey through time and space. I eagerly anticipate what the next season has in store.


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